Resonant Column Device

This Resonant Column is a high quality apparatus for measuring the low-shear Strain (less than 0.001%) or elastic modulus and damping properties of materials (e.g. wide variety of soils, rocks, Asphalt, etc) for solid- or hollow cylindrical samples under confined condition. It works based on the theory of wave propagation and used to vibrate the top of the soil specimen The device can work under two different boundary conditions, so called free-free and fix-free conditions, which depends minimum desired strain that operator wants to start RC experiment.

This resonant column is equipped for isotropic and as an option for anisotropic tests. Also this apparatus can be upgraded to perform experiments in unsaturated condition. Several other upgrading options are available on client’s request.

  • Features
  • Specifications
  • Upgrade Options
  • Software
  • Standards
  • Applications
  • For solid and hollow samples
  • Saturated and unsaturated conditions
  • Resonant column cell up to 1000 kPa for sample sizes with a 150 mm diameter and height of 300 mm
  • Isotropic and anisotropic (optional) test conditions
  • Anisotropic test with Electromechanical actuator to apply load from top of the sample with high capability for vertical deformation.
  • True Fixed-Free or Free-Free
  • Fix-Free: bottom is completely fix and top is completely free in vibration
  • Free-Free: bottom and top are completely free in vibration

Diameter of solid and hollow samples

38/50/70/100 and 150 mm

Cell Pressure

1000 kPa (higher available)

Torsional frequency

Up to 2000 Hz

Applied pore pressure

Up to 1000 kPa


  • Anisotropic tests
  • Bender element test (Combined S and P Wave)
  • Unsaturated tests
  • Lifting frame for easy cell top removal
  • High confining pressures up to 25MPa
  • Temperature chamber for high temperature or frozen soil tests (-30 C to +60 C)
  • An optional accelerometer can also be installed (on request) to measure large shear strains directly at the torsional drive.
  • Performing Test under normal and Flexural mode of vibration

Calculation and evaluation:

  • Via Lissajous figure
  • Via strain/frequency curve
  • Strain dependent calculation of shear stiffness (G)
  • Calculation of damping (D), (Energy Based Method)
  • Shear velocity
  • Shear modulus
  • Calibration examples
  • FFT-Control measured signal (FFT Fast Fourier)
  • ASTM D-4015
  • Standard Test Methods for Modulus and Damping of Soils by Resonant-Column Method

  • Detailed information will follow soon
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