Rock Direct Shear Test Apparatus

The Rock direct shear test apparatus is designed to determine the shear strength of intact or jointed rock or concrete specimens. Various samples in the form of cylindrical, prismatic, cubical or irregularly shaped segments of different sizes can be tested by this system. The closed loop servo control shear apparatus includes a special frame construction consisting of two stiff frames for vertical force and shear force, combined in a special configuration to avoid friction and torque.

The system includes a hydraulic power pack in combination with two separate valve systems, two-separate controllers and two low friction hydraulic cylinders. The shear boxes consist of a tilting free lower and upper shear frame, which is guided by linear bearings, a fixed upper shear frame and a guided load piston

  • Features
  • Specifications
  • Upgrade Options
  • Software
  • Standards
  • Applications
  • Highly stiff and robust frame
  • Highly precise force transducers
  • Horizontal and vertical displacement transducers to measure shear strain and axial deformation
  • The shear boxes consist of a tilting free lower and upper shear frame, which is guided by linear bearings, a fixed upper shear frame and a guided load piston
  • High-speed, closed-loop control of load, displacement and position
  • Digital setting of P/I/D control parameters for optimization and test parameter tuning


Type of load frame servo-hydraulic
Axial Force/Shear Force

200/200 kN, 500/500 kN

1000/500 kN

Specimen size up to 300×300×300 mm
Settlement, resolution 50/0.001 mm
Accuracy 0.1%
Cyclic load up to 500 kN (on request)
  • Triaxial cell
  • Uniaxial compression test package
  • Direct tension test package
  • Indirect tension package (Brazilian test)
  • Fracture toughness testing package
  • Measuring p- and s-waves in combination with acoustic emissions
  • Dynamic load testing
  • Temperature control


GEOsys Software for user defined freely programmable test standard procedures and complex test sequences via structured Windows operations on a graphic user interface.

Through a series of menus, this provides quick access to all the controls needed for test set ups and follows standard test sequences.

The software is able to create an unlimited number of test stages with interactive and calculated parameters for closed-loop, real-time control. An unlimited number of control and measuring channels can be simultaneously controlled.

  • ASTM D-5607
  • Standard Test Method for Performing Laboratory Direct Shear Strength Tests of Rock Specimens Under Constant Normal Force

  • JGS 2541-2008
  • Method for direct Shear Test on a Rock Discontinuity

  1. Land sliding
  2. Slope stability
  3. Deep excavations
  4. Seismic ground shaking
  5. Embankment, dams and other earth structures
  6. Deep foundation on offshore and onshore
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