Rock Hydraulic Fracturing Testing System

Hydraulic fracturing is performed to determine the magnitude and direction of the in-situ stress in the process of fluid pumping with an injection rate into a cavity hole that then leads to an increase in pressure and formation of tensile fracturing in the cylinder wall. Breakdown pressure is defined as the wellbore pressure when inducing hydraulic fracturing.

In principle, thick walled hollow cylinder samples are used to perform hydraulic fracturing tests. Specimens are placed in a triaxial cell and subjected to the predetermined stress condition in terms of confining pressure (related to uniform horizontal stress), vertical stress (over-burden stress) and pore pressure. Injecting a constant flow rate into the cavity hole pressurizes the specimen. Simultaneously the volume change of the cavity hole corresponding to the injection pressure is measured. Fluid injection is continued until peak pres-sure is reached.

The hydraulic fracturing fixture can be added to all series of rock triaxial test systems manufactured by our company. A high-pressure intensifier with the required pressure and volume needs to be added to the main system. In combination with these fixtures and our rock testing systems, the user is able to run tests and study the hydraulic fracture initiation and propagation.



  • Features
  • Specifications
  • Upgrade Options
  • Software
  • Standards
  • Applications
  • Hydraulic fracture fixtures for different sample sizes from 25 mm to 102 mm
  • Laboratory-scale hydraulic fracturing experiments
  • Test can be performed under confined or unconfined conditions
  • Operation pressure up to 210 MPa Operating temperature up to 250 °C
  • High pressure intensifier for fluid pressure up to 210 Mpa
  • Hydraulic fracturing platens for each sample size
  • GEOsys professional software to conduct hydraulic fracturing test

Compression load

Up to 4,500 kN

Confining pressure

Up to 300 MPa

Pore pressure 

Up to 300 MPa

Core diameter

25 mm to 102 mm

Custom sample sizes on request

Upgrading a pore pressure intensifier to apply a variety of fluids and additives; either aggressive media or standard fluids.

Acoustic emission monitoring throughout test.

GEOsys Software for user defined freely programmable test standard procedures and complex test sequences via structured Windows operations on a graphic user interface.

Through a series of menus, this provides quick access to all the controls needed for test set ups and follows standard test sequences.

The software is able to create an unlimited number of test stages with interactive and calculated parameters for closed-loop, real-time control. An unlimited number of control and measuring channels can be simultaneously controlled.

  • Not available
  • Detailed information will follow soon
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