Automatic Volume Measuring Device (Burette)

This High accuracy Electronic Volume Change Measuring device is developed to indicate smallest amounts of water volume change during different types of tests, independent from the influence of temperature and pressure.

This user friendly and precise measuring instrument can be used optimally e.g. for the determination of pore water running in or out of sample during triaxial tests, either in the consolidation or the shear phase. Furthermore, the variation of the cell water volume as well as the rate of flow can be measured by this unit during permeability tests.

It also is used for unsaturated soils testing with the double wall triaxial cell to measure the volume change of the soil sample.

This measurement device uses a high accuracy transducer for weighing the water column in a burette independent from the system pressure, which can be up to 2000 kPa.It could be connected to all data acquisition systems with analogue input signals.


  • Features
  • Specifications
  • Upgrade Options
  • Software
  • Standards
  • Applications
  • Table top version
  • Extremely Easy handling and simple to operate
  • The apparatus includes the panel equipped with valves system to measure the water flow in both directions.
  • Useful either for triaxial tests or Unsaturated tests
  • High resolution measuring device for automatic determination of fluids volume changes of fluids (e.g. pore-/cell water) under
  • The volume change can be determined by visual reading at the burette or via automatic data acquisition system with 0-10 V analog port
  • System pressure protected and mantled burette system with exchangeable burettes
  • Bypass function for charge and discharge of the burette or outer tube, test fluid line, and air- or gas system or test pressure hose connection
  • Fluid overflow protection


Pressure resistance

1700 kPa

Test volume (standard)

100 ml

Exchangeable with

10, 50,150 ml

Volume Resolution

< 0,001 ml


< 0.1 %

Standard output signal

0-10 V optional 4-20 mA

  • Not available
  • Not available
  • Not available
  • Detailed information will follow soon
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