Gas Hydrate Triaxial Testing System

This Advanced Gas Hydrate Triaxial Test System specifically designed to perform triaxial tests on sediment samples containing methane hydrates under extreme conditions, including sub-freezing temperatures and high pressures.

A Gas Hydrate Triaxial Test System is a specialized laboratory setup designed to simulate and study the mechanical behavior of gas hydrates in soils, typically under varying pressure, temperature, and environmental conditions. Gas hydrates are crystalline structures formed from water and gas (like methane) under high pressure and low temperature, commonly found in deep-sea sediments or permafrost regions. These structures can impact soil stability and are of significant interest in fields like energy extraction, geotechnical engineering, and climate science.


The system has been significantly enhanced in pore pressure fluid management, including capabilities for mixing, flow direction control, and circulation, to accommodate a wide range of test scenarios. These include the formation of hydrates in partially water-saturated sediments, permeability measurements, gas injection into fully water-saturated sediments, and fluid circulation through fully water-saturated samples.




  • Features
  • Specifications
  • Upgrade Options
  • Software
  • Standards
  • Applications
  • Static loads in different ranges up to 250kN
  • Electromechanical loading system to cover all required loads
  • Different sample sizes up to 100mm
  • Different cell pressures up to 50MPa
  • Frozen Soil test up to -20 °C degree
  • High Temperature test up to +70 °C
  • Software including different test modules e.g. Standard Static triaxial tests (CD, CU and UU), Stress path tests, dynamic tests and etc.

Static axial load

Up to 250 kN

Confining pressure

Up to 50 MPa

Temperature range

-10 up to +60 °C

Sample size

Up to 100 mm diameter

  • Automatic Lifting mechanism
  • Double wall system for the sample volume measurement
  • Continuous flow system
  • Heating system for the top and bottom injector ports to prevent blockages
  • Up to 5 thermo elements distributed in the sample to measure T profiles inside the sample
  • Gas-water Equilibrator
  • Pulse dampener chamber for smoother continuous flow
  • Multiphase control and monitoring system


GEOsys Software for user defined freely programmable test standard procedures and complex test sequences via structured Windows operations on a graphic user interface.

Through a series of menus, this provides quick access to all the controls needed for test set ups and follows standard test sequences.

The software is able to create an unlimited number of test stages with interactive and calculated parameters for closed-loop, real-time control. An unlimited number of control and measuring channels can be simultaneously controlled

  • Not available
  • Energy Exploration: Gas hydrates are a potential future energy resource. Studying their behavior helps evaluate extraction risks and methods.
  • Geotechnical Engineering: Gas hydrates can affect the stability of seabed sediments, which is important for offshore oil rigs, pipelines, and other marine infrastructure.
  • Climate Studies: Gas hydrates play a role in carbon sequestration and methane release, impacting climate change models.
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