Customer Service

Our homepage provides customer access to technical details and background information about Wille Geotechnik® products, such as:

  1. FAQ’s: where users can find a collection of general and repeated questions.
  2. Technical Papers: this is exclusively available for registered clients, providing product information and instruction manuals for Wille Geotechnik® Products.
  3. In the Download section we provide instruction manuals, technical data and papers about Wille Geotechnik® Products for registered clients.

Remote Access and Internet Support

Upon request we can conduct remote desktop support with the help of Team Viewer Software, through which we are able to connect to your PC or server within seconds from anywhere in the world. This application allows us to take control of the PC and equipment via GEOsys software and implement our troubleshooting services. All the customer has to do is initiate a small application, which doesn’t even require installation or administrative rights to your PC. Now we can communicate with your equipment!

Email Support

Technical support is available via the following Email-address: We aim to reply to any support query on the same day, and at least within 24 hours.

For quick and efficient support, we simply require the following information:

  • Type of equipment
  • Serial number of the device
  • Year of manufacture
  • A detailed description of the problem


Telephone and Fax Support

Although a more detailed technical support service is more effective through email, you can call our service department to talk with our specialists for a more immediate answer via the central phone number (+49 (0) 551 307520) from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (German Local Time) or by Fax (+49 (0) 551 30752 20). Our competent service staff are ready to offer their detailed technical advice and support.

Onsite Support and Repairs

We remain in contact with our customers either directly or through our network of overseas agents. Other than the above-mentioned communication channels, and if further support is needed, our service engineers are ready to meet you on site to conduct the necessary service and maintenance.

We are always pleased to remain in close collaboration with our customers and retain their trust through years of practical cooperation. This entails designing and manufacturing a variety of high quality products and solutions for various research aims.

Our service technicians are well-trained professionals who are continuously developing their knowledge and skills through training programmes which expose them to the latest technology and engineering developments.

As a customer, working with our technicians is an in-direct education in itself. Highly motivated to find practical solutions to mechanical issues, our on-site repair staff are more than capable of explaining and demonstrating their craft and skills.

The experience and knowledge our technicians possess is invaluable to our company as a service provider. They ensure the quick execution and effective problem solving of technical problems while conducting on-site repairs.


We have got over 25 years of experience in geotechnical testing that we would like to share. Our service staff gives training courses for all kind of geotechnical testing equipment. From simple sieving machines to high-complex polyaxial testing systems; our team can give you precise instructions how to use and detailed information about best practice.

APS Antriebs-, Prüf- und Steuertechnik GmbH is glad to offer assistance and training in the field of soil, rock, asphalt and material testing.

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